Life Story of Chanakya – Biography of Acharya Chanakya in English

Acharya Chanakya (350-275 BCE) , he traditionally identified as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta Birth Chanakya's birthplace is unknown , possibly Acharya Chanakya born in Kusumpur near Pataliputra (modern day Patna) city in ancient India . According to the Buddhist text Mahavamsa Tika, his birthplace was Taxila. According to some other Jain accounts, he was a native of South India. His father name was "Chanak" When Chanakya was born he had a full set of teeth, which is a sign that he would become a king or an emperor. But since he was born in a Brahmin family, it was considered inappropriate. Thus, his teeth were broken and it was predicted that he would make another person a king and rule through him Even as a child, Chanakya had the qualities of a born leader. His level of knowledge was beyond children of his age. Chanakya's Education Rishi Canak named his son as "Chanakya". Being a teacher himself, he knew the importance of education...